GUYS GUYS GUYS!! I think I’m in love 😍 I mean obviously I’m in love with my husband (4 and a half years already?!) but I mean with this family session at the Pearl!! The Langelands are some of my very favorite repeat clients and they killed it at their session last week! Between the gorgeous lighting, their cute outfits, and their smiley, fun personalities, their classy family session was a photographer’s dream!
Right before their bluebonnet session with me last year, the weather turned super cold and dark. So the poor Langelands showed up in sleeveless dresses in 60 degree weather with the wind blowing – which is really cold for San Antonio! Luckily this year, the universe smiled on us and we had some of the most perfect Texas fall weather I can remember. No huddling together for warmth this year!
Whether it’s chilly outside or not, I always try to start the session with something that gets everyone moving. Something to get our blood flowing a bit and help everyone loosen up. Walking pictures are a great way to do that! No awkwardly standing still. Just walking and laughing with the people you love most in the world. I just love that we were able to get the Hotel Emma in the background of the Langeland’s walking pictures.
The Hotel Emma
Did you know that The Hotel Emma was actually originally a brewing house? It was called Pearl Brewhouse and was built in 1894. At one point in it’s history it was the largest brewery in Texas! Eventually it closed down in 2001, but then Silver Ventures purchased the property and began renovating and building up the Pearl to be the vibrant culinary destination it is today! And aren’t we grateful for Silver Ventures 😉 Life in San Antonio would be so sad without the Pearl! At one point, the Langeland’s son asked if we could go inside the Hotel Emma to take photos. We told him it was only for guests and he said confidently “well I’m a guest!”. We said “You are? You’re spending $600 to stay there tonight?” His eyes got all big and he quietly murmured “Nevermind!” Haha! It was adorable.
The Pearl is one of my favorite San Antonio session locations because it has so much variety! There are numerous different backgrounds you could use in your photos, which is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the options! But we did out best to stay on track, and I think we got some truly adorable photos.
The Train
At one point the kids noticed a big yellow locomotive car and the Langelands’ boy asked if he could get his individual photos taken on top of the train! With Mom and Dad’s permission (and dad’s help lifting them up onto the train) each of the kids decided they wanted a picture on the fun train too! I should be used to it by now, but it always amazes me how kids can find so much joy in such small things. Or I guess in this case the train was a really large thing. 😂 I looked it up later, and apparently that train car was one of two locomotives that belonged to the Texas Transportation Co.’s tiny fleet of two running freight to and from the San Antonio breweries and the Southern Pacific rail yard. How neat! I’ve walked through the Pearl countless times and never truly paid attention.
Just Let It Go
One thing I adore about the Langeland family is their calm, easy going presence. Photo shoots can become difficult or stressful if you’re not adequately prepared, or if you feel flustered. I do my very best to prepare each of my clients and reduce stress as much as a I can, but so much is dependent on the attitude of my clients. When my families are relaxed and go with the flow, we end up having so much fun! We’re able to skip past the stress and worry, and just truly enjoy the time together. Family sessions are a chance to create a fun family memory together! You just have to let go of unrealistic expectations and just go with the flow 🙂 And that’s something the Langelands excel at. They trust me to get things right and that opens the pathway to letting lose and just having fun!
The Langeland kids are so incredibly sweet, and I loved seeing each of their personalities come out in their photos, both on the train and off. Shy, kind, vivacious. Each has a place and is needed! What a beautiful, wonderful family. I love seeing them each time they come back, and I can’t wait to get them in front of my camera again soon. Their classy family session at the Pearl was one of my favorites to date! We love you, Langeland family! Enjoy some of my favorites from your session 🙂
Classy Family Session at the Pearl | The Langelands
October 24, 2020